AWAKENING CHANEL .comJan 15, 2021This New Kind of mRNA Vax will make you Sicker. Higher Chances of DeathNew mRNA vax will make you a genetically modified organism weaker against other viruses Click here to see this post on ourNEW WEBSITEFaster + Info and with a New Video Player with Speed & + Quality Settings MUST SEE / RELATED: (on our new website)TO GIVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS VACCINE IS CRIMINAL “If Anyone Injected me the Vaccine, I would sue them for Attempt of Murder”, President of World Freedom & Doctors Alliances WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE, There is no pandemic. It is only a HOAX to take away people´s libertyGlobal alliance exposes the CV19 scamDr. Schöning after his Arrest: CV19 is a Cover to RESET the Global Financial SystemDOCTORS, PROFESSORS, LAWYERS... EXPOSING THE CV19 TRUTH640 DOCTORS, "CV IS A GLOBAL SCAM"THOUSANDS OF DOCTORS REPRESENTATIVE EXPOSES THE CV19 SCAM AT THE BERLIN DEMONSTRATION
New mRNA vax will make you a genetically modified organism weaker against other viruses Click here to see this post on ourNEW WEBSITEFaster + Info and with a New Video Player with Speed & + Quality Settings MUST SEE / RELATED: (on our new website)TO GIVE PERMISSION TO USE THIS VACCINE IS CRIMINAL “If Anyone Injected me the Vaccine, I would sue them for Attempt of Murder”, President of World Freedom & Doctors Alliances WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE, There is no pandemic. It is only a HOAX to take away people´s libertyGlobal alliance exposes the CV19 scamDr. Schöning after his Arrest: CV19 is a Cover to RESET the Global Financial SystemDOCTORS, PROFESSORS, LAWYERS... EXPOSING THE CV19 TRUTH640 DOCTORS, "CV IS A GLOBAL SCAM"THOUSANDS OF DOCTORS REPRESENTATIVE EXPOSES THE CV19 SCAM AT THE BERLIN DEMONSTRATION